Sunday, December 23, 2007


有一種服在寶座上之神的元首權柄下,以祂為一切祝福和供應的源頭。不要為主所安排給我們的科系,給我們的老師,怨天尤人,那不是活出新耶路撒冷,那不是以新耶路撒冷的眼光來讀書,那是照世人的眼光來讀書。反之,我們該感謝著領受,並在每天、每堂課、讀書、考試前都禱告,讓祂居第一位,在我們全人中心登寶座。接下來,我們還需要有一個眼光,主把我擺在這個學校,這個班上,不是只為著讀書而讀書,我在那裡就是一個珍珠門,總要有些人是藉著我這一個門進到新耶路撒冷,若是我們在學的這些年間沒有人藉我得著生命,我就成了閒站的門,因此我們需要常為同學禱告。此外,我們需要顯出碧玉 澋膶嶋H,我們需要與世人有別,當同學要放縱的時候不會找我們,當同學說污穢世俗的言語看見我們來了,就停下他們的談論。我們也要能活出生命樹、生命水流的實際,我們是一個常常喜樂的人,常常歡呼的人。我們必須能說:凡口渴的人到我這裡來,我要使你們得活水喝!信我所信的祂腹中要流出活水的?shy;河!我們還要在讀書的事上活出新耶路撒冷之光的實際,我需要能向倪弟兄一樣,自己先讀神的話語,至終全校有一種讀經的風氣。這樣就成功了。   至於精金街道的實際說出我們要憑裡面神聖的性情來讀書。到底聚會和讀書時間兩者上如何取得平衡,完全要照著裡面的感覺,讓基督的平安來作仲裁  讚美主,新耶路撒冷的基礎是純金的,表徵神的神聖性情作城的建築基礎。而我們即是新耶路撒冷的構成分子,我們就必須是金的,我們?shy;是由塵土所造,但我們接受基督作我們的生命時,就重生我們成為金的。在重生時,我們接受了神聖的生命,就是金的生命。在亞當代表的舊造裡,我們是塵土人;但我們重生時,就成了金人。阿利路亞,我們雖然身為學生,我們仍然是新耶路撒冷的構成分子,課業不過是我們身為學生該完成的責任而已,所以在我們讀書,做功課時,也應該有金的性情在我們裡面,這金的性情就成為我們讀書時應有的基礎。無論是那一類的科目;是繁重或輕省,都是在這一個金的基礎上讀書。近來在讀書的事上主光照我不是在金的基礎上讀書,常會看自己的得失,當成績好時,心情就好一點;成績不好時,心情就差一點,看見這些都是我屬土的性情,到頭來榮耀或羞愧都是自己,沒有神,沒有金的性情。於是,我就向主說:「主啊!真是願意向你悔改,地上的榮耀有一天都要過去,我不願再為這些必朽壞的勞力,我願意照著你金的性情讀書,作為新耶路撒冷的構成分子,無論成敗,都是你。   這樣敞開自己向主禱告後,我就摸著有一道生命水的河從寶座流出來,流到我裡頭,解了我在課業上追求滿足而不得其效的飢渴;而長在河兩岸的生命樹也作了我的食物供應我,把神帶給我。當我願意在讀書的事上服在寶座的權柄之下,我就嘗到新耶路撒冷,神與人的居所之甜美

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Why We need to celebrate Christmas?

We do not celebrate Christmas for some reasons.

1. The date Jesus was born is not mentioned in the Bible.

2. During December, in the Middle East including Israel, the weather is cold and snowing, the flock can only stay in sheep pen. Besides, the shepherds will not spend their nights in the fields. But in Luke 2:8 “And there were shepherds in the same region, spending their nights in the fields and keeping watch over their flock by night.” What is recorded in the Bible is true and cannot be denied, so the date of “Christmas” (25/12) is incorrect.

3. The Bible does not record the date because God don’t want “Christmas” become a religious activity. When we are saved, God was born in us.

4. The Bible does not tell us to remember the birth of Jesus. However, Jesus wants us to declare the Lord’s death and remember His resurrection until He comes. (Matthew 26:26-30, Mark 14:22-26, Luke 22:16-20, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26)

Thursday, October 18, 2007



English(英语) - I love you
Afrikaans(南非洲的荷兰语) - Ek het jou lief
Albanian(阿尔巴尼亚) - Te dua
Arabic(阿拉伯(对男性) - Ana behibak (to male)
Arabic(阿拉伯(对女性) - Ana behibek (to female)
Armenian(亚美尼亚) - Yes kez sirumen
Bambara(班拉族语) - M’bi fe
Bangla(孟加拉语) - Aamee tuma ke bhalo aashi
Belarusian - Ya tabe kahayu
Bisaya - Nahigugma ako kanimo
Bulgarian(保加利亚) - Obicham te
Cambodian(柬埔寨) - Soro lahn nhee ah
Cantonese Chinese(广东话) - Ngo oiy ney a
Catalan(加泰罗尼亚语) - T’estimo
Cheyenne(夏安语) - Ne mohotatse
Chichewa(齐佩瓦语) - Ndimakukonda
Corsican(科西嘉语) - Ti tengu caru (to male)
Creol(克利奥尔语) - Mi aime jou
Croatian(克罗地亚语) - Volim te
Czech(捷克) - Miluji te
Danish(丹麦) - Jeg Elsker Dig
Dutch(荷兰) - Ik hou van jou
Esperanto(世界语) - Mi amas vin
Estonian(爱沙尼亚) - Ma armastan sind
Ethiopian(埃塞俄比亚) - Afgreki’
Faroese(法罗语) - Eg elski teg
Farsi(波斯语) - Doset daram
Filipino(菲律宾) - Mahal kita
Finnish(芬兰) - Mina rakastan sinua
French(法语) - Je t’aime, Je t’adore
Gaelic(盖尔语) - Ta gra agam ort
Georgian(乔治亚州) - Mikvarhar
German(德语) - Ich liebe dich
Greek(希腊) - S’agapo
Gujarati - Hoo thunay prem karoo choo
Hiligaynon - Palangga ko ikaw
Hawaiian(夏威夷语) - Aloha wau ia oi
Hebrew(希伯来语(对女性) - Ani ohev otah (to female)
Hebrew(希伯来语(对男性) - Ani ohev et otha (to male)
Hiligaynon - Guina higugma ko ikaw
Hindi(北印度语) - Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae
Hmong - Kuv hlub koj
Hopi(霍皮语) - Nu’ umi unangwa’ta
Hungarian(匈牙利) - Szeretlek
Icelandic(冰岛) - Eg elska tig
Ilonggo - Palangga ko ikaw
Indonesian(印度尼西亚) - Saya cinta padamu
Inuit(纽因特语) - Negligevapse
Irish(爱尔兰) - Taim i’ ngra leat
Italian(意大利) - Ti amo
Japanese(日本) - Ai****eru
Kannada(埃那得语) - Naanu ninna preetisuttene
Kapampangan - Kaluguran daka
Kiswahili(斯瓦西里语) - Nakupenda
Konkani - Tu magel moga cho
Korean(韩语) - Sarang Heyo
Latin(拉丁语) - Te amo
Latvian(拉托维亚语) - Es tevi miilu
Lebanese(黎巴嫩) - Bahibak
Lithuanian(立陶宛) - Tave myliu
Malay(马来语) - Saya cintakan mu / Aku cinta padamu
Malayalam(马拉雅拉姆语) - Njan Ninne Premikunnu
Mandarin Chinese(汉语) - Wo ai ni
Marathi(马拉地语) - Me tula prem karto
Mohawk(莫霍克语) - Kanbhik
Moroccan(摩洛哥) - Ana moajaba bik
Nahuatl(纳瓦特尔语) - Ni mits neki
Navaho(纳瓦霍语) - Ayor anosh’ni
Norwegian(挪威) - Jeg Elsker Deg
Pandacan - Syota na kita!!
Pangasinan - Inaru Taka
Papiamento(帕皮阿门托语) - Mi ta stimabo
Persian(波斯语) - Doo-set daaram
Pig Latin(大拉丁语) - Iay ovlay ouyay
Polish(波兰) - Kocham Ciebie
Portuguese(葡萄牙) - Eu te amo
Romanian(罗马尼亚) - Te ubesk
Russian俄语) - Ya tebya liubliu
Scot Gaelic(苏格兰盖尔语) - Tha gra/dh agam ort
Serbian(塞尔维亚语) - Volim te
Setswana - Ke a go rata
Sindhi - Maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan
Sioux(苏族语) - Techihhila
Slovak(斯洛伐克语) - Lu`bim ta
Slovenian(斯洛文尼亚语) - Ljubim te
Spanish(西班牙语) - Te quiero / Te amo
Swahili(斯瓦西里语) - Ninapenda wewe
Swedish(瑞典) - Jag alskar dig
Swiss-German(瑞典德语) - Ich lieb Di
Tagalog(塔加拉族语) - Mahal kita
Taiwanese(台湾话) - Wa ga ei li
Tahitian(大溪地语) - Ua Here Vau Ia Oe
Tamil(泰米尔语) - Nan unnai kathalikaraen
Telugu - Nenu ninnu premistunnanu
Thai(泰语(对男性) - Chan rak khun (to male)
Thai(泰语(对女性) - Phom rak khun (to female)
Turkish(土尔其) - Seni Seviyorum
Ukrainian(乌克兰) - Ya tebe kahayu
Urdu(乌尔都语) - mai aap say pyaar karta hoo
Vietnamese(越南(对女性) - Anh ye^u em (to female)
Vietnamese(越南(对男性) - Em ye^u anh (to male)
Welsh(威尔士语) - ‘Rwy’n dy garu
Yiddish(意第绪语) - Ikh hob dikh




























淡鹽水是指相當於生理濃度的鹽水,每百毫升中含 1克左右的鹽分,它在日常生活中有幾種用途:一、大汗之後補充身體丟失的水分和鈉;二、腹瀉之後補充由腸道丟失的水分和鹽,維持電解質的平衡;三、淡鹽水漱口能清除口腔 內的細菌,減輕口咽部炎症造成的紅腫。














Thursday, October 11, 2007



Monday, October 8, 2007



煮 豆 燃 豆 萁,

豆 在 釜 中 泣。

本 是 同 根 生,

相 煎 何 太 急?





kasut! Susun kasut! Warden datang spot check!!”哦!要查房了咯。这下可不得了哦。。。有违禁品的房间最为忙碌。。。不能被抓到哦,不然要中saman. 我就没什么问题咯,因为我房间没有所谓的违禁品。当然很不幸的,有一位学弟因为经验不够老到而被查出拥有所谓的违禁品(rice
cooker等等)。。。晚上出去时因为忘了在buku pas写去那里,结果回来时才惊觉我的pass book 被没收了。。。星期一还要去HEP去见训导主任,要被他训了一顿才能拿回我的passbook。这下完蛋了,在师训两年多了,还是第一次passbook被没收。。。心里很不好受哦。所谓不经一事,不长一智。这对我真是一个很好的教训。。。



Friday, September 21, 2007


Batang selasih permainan budak
Berdaun sehelai dimakan kuda
Sin rendah tapi bijak
Menjadi teladan kepada semua

Pisang goreng dibeli Pak Rak
Tinggal sebiji di atas kuali
Chien tinggi lagi segak
Melaksanakan tugas dengan dedikasi

Tuang air ke dalam gelas
Hati-hati jangan pecah
Hui paling muda dalam kelas
Selalu mendapat perhatian pensyarah

Bekerja demi wang sahaja
Mahal benar seutas cincin
Yi sentiasa dengan bukunya
Menuntut ilmu dengan rajin

Pandu cermat untuk orang tersayang
Fkir dahulu sebelum bertindak
Ming suka menolong orang
Orangnya baik kawan pun banyak

Mencapai kejayaan dalam pasukan
Malaysia Boleh kita laungkan
Sen memang suka bersukan
Bola keranjang permainan kegemaran

Semakin Isu rasuah didebat
Semakin banyak kes dilaporkan
Chun pemain piano hebat
Muziknya dapat menenangkan perasaan

Bunganya putih dalam cerana
Dipetik dijual di dalam pekan
Ying pandai melukis dan mewarna
Selalu membantu dalam perhiasan

Ingin makan panggil abah
Lauk pauk sedap dimakan
Ling dikenali sebagai pensyarah
Orangya cerdik tiada tandigan

Dipanah semata Indera Kandus
Seekor dara dipohon keranji
Gan dikenali sebagai genius
Orangnya diam tapi berisi

Harban Dewa anaknya Zanggi
Manis rupanya elok bercahaya
Lang memang aktif tiap hari
Lantang lagi nyaring suaranya

Batang selasih permainan budak
Berdaun sehelai dimakan kuda
Yieng dan Yung
kawan baik
Selalu ketawa entah apa

Hamba sentiasa menghadap patik
Untuk melaksanakan tugas rasmi
Lon cemerlang dalam akademik
Pelajar cemerlang gelaran sesuai

Cari lebah bersarang sederhana
Jangan tersengat racun berbisa
Ya dan Tze selalu bersama
Selalu membuat kerja bersama

Mencari ikan belida
Terpancing pula si ikan keli
Lin dan


sentiasa bersama
Ingin menjadi sahabat sejati


wang ada cincin
Tanpa wang semua tiada
Wat pelajar paling rajin
Menjadi teladan kepada semua

Pergi gimnasium agar tubuh sasa
Harap impian tidak berkubur
Ung penulis pantun biasa
Diharap saudara saudari terhibur

Mengundi tanggungjawab kita semua
Kita semua orang warak
Jika menyinggung hati sesiapa
Minta maaf berbanyak-banyak

Cencaluk budu tempoyak sambal
Dicicah ulam enak sekali
Bakal guru yang profesional
Semoga kejayaan kalian kecapi



Sajak ‘Erti Sahabat’


apabila dua
insan bertemu,berkenalan dan bersahabat,

persahabatan mula terjalin…

siapakah dia

ada orang
berkata orang yang baik kepada kita,itulah sahabat

fikirannya, ideologinya,dan
bicaranya seakan serupa dengan kita,

itukah yang
dinamakan sahabat?

apakah sahabat
itu sekadar teman bicara ketika suka,

tapi teman dusta
ketika kita berduka?

kehidupan yang kita lalui,penuh ranjau dan duri,

mencari teman
sejati sebagai tempat berlindung diri,

adakala sahabat
itu muncul sendiri dan tidak usah dicari lagi

tanpa kita
sedari dan dugai..

Tuhan Yang Maha Mengetahui

mengerti dan
memahami hati ini

apabila sahabat
itu tidak sekadar berkata-kata manis

tapi mengotakan

itulah erti
persahabatan yang sebenarnya…

kerana seorang
sahabat setia takkan menjadi musuh dalam selimut

yang menikam
dari belakang dan


memboikot kita

hendaklah kita
beringat selalu,kerana hati manusia tiada siapa yang tahu…

Nukilan hati,


Tuesday, September 18, 2007




Thursday, January 4, 2007

In the Singleness and Sincerity of God

Dear saints, I shared this portion recently with my son. I enjoyed this because this is who I am also. Because he related to me that he enjoyed this portion so much, I send it to you all now because I think that some of you may enjoy it or hear our Lord speak IN it, Amen.

B. Conducting Themselves in the World

1. In the Singleness and Sincerity of God

Why did Paul speak to the Corinthians about singleness? It was because the Corinthians were very complicated. They had many different ways. This was the reason some preferred Apollos, and others preferred Cephas or Paul. Actually, 1 Corinthians is a book which deals with the complications of the believers at Corinth. The source of confusion and division among Christians today is the complications that are within the believers. If all Christians became simple, there would be no problems among them. The problems in a local church always come from complications. If there is a problem in your locality, that problem comes from someone who is not simple, but who is complicated. For this reason, I always try to avoid being involved with a complicated person. Whenever you meet a complicated person, you should not try to argue with him or correct him. Any attempts at argument or correction will cause you to become trapped in complications. In verse 12 Paul speaks of the singleness and sincerity of God. The sincerity of God is a divine virtue, a virtue of what God is. To conduct ourselves in such a virtue means to experience God Himself. Hence, it equals “in the grace of God” also mentioned in this verse. God is wise and almighty. But in a sense He is also single; He is very simple. When the Lord Jesus was on earth, He was wise; yet He was also simple and single. I very much enjoy having contact with the Lord Jesus because of His singleness and simplicity. However, when you talk to certain brothers, you find that they are extremely complicated. But our God is simple. Whenever we talk to Him, we find that He is not full of complications. When He says yes, He means yes, and when He says no, He means no. Likewise, when He says white or black, He means white or black, not gray. No matter how God may feel about us at a particular time, He is always single. He may be unhappy with us or He may be happy, but He Himself is simple. From experience we have learned that a person who is simple and single is also generous and full of liberality. Those who are simple are those who give freely. For example, suppose a brother approaches a person so single and tells him that he is short of money to pay his rent. Immediately the one who is simple will be willing to give that brother whatever he needs. This illustrates the fact that to be simple is to be generous. But those who are complicated are not generous. Instead of being willing to give freely, they may consider the matter in a complicated way and then give an amount that falls short of the need. Paul was single, simple, and generous. Only a person so single is a generous person. If you lack singleness, you will never be generous or bountiful toward others. Our God is bountiful toward us because He is single. Imagine what would happen to us if God were not single and if He thought about us in a complicated way. Probably He would not care for us. Would you like God to consider your situation and examine you in detail? Would you like Him to look at you from head to toe and consider what you are inwardly and outwardly? None of us would be favored by God if He examined us in this way. But because of God’s singleness and generosity, we have received blessing from Him. I would ask you to compare Paul to the Corinthians. Paul was like the simple God, but the Corinthians were extremely complicated. If Paul had not been single and simple, he probably would have forgotten about the Corinthians and would no longer have been willing to minister among them. Paul’s conscience testified that toward the Corinthians he and his co-workers conducted themselves in the singleness of God. Therefore, they could be generous toward the Corinthians and be willing to give them anything. Toward those believers, Paul and his co-workers were generous and full of bounty. The Greek word rendered singleness is rich in meaning. The words singleness or simplicity are not an adequate translation. This word implies generosity, liberality, bounty, and willingness to give. If a married brother is simple, he will be very generous toward his wife, no matter what she does or how she treats him. However, if a brother is complicated, he will deal with his wife in a strict way. Paul was one who conducted himself in the singleness of God. He was a true imitator of God and one who lived God. God is simple, and Paul also was simple. God is generous, and Paul also was generous. He behaved himself in the singleness of God. When we have singleness and generosity, we shall also be sincere. It is a common practice to close a letter with the words “sincerely yours.” Actually, this usually means “politically yours,” or, at best, “politely yours.” A person may write a long letter full of complications, and then at the end say “sincerely yours.” That is not sincerity. Only when you treat others in a single way and with generosity can you truly say “sincerely yours.” Because Paul conducted himself in the singleness of God and because he was generous, he was truly sincere. I certainly would not claim to be an absolute and faithful imitator of Paul. But I can testify that throughout the years, we have been trained, taught, and helped by the Lord’s mercy and grace to behave ourselves in simplicity, singleness, sincerity, and generosity. I can testify to you before the Lord that I do not play politics. Furthermore I can say before Him that I am a simple person. My yes is yes, and my no is no.

Source : Email

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Enjoyment of Christ

Our spirit must be strengthened as we are very strong in the mind and our spirit is very very weak. So, we need to excercise our spirit to pray. We need to repent and confess by turning our mind away from other things to the Lord. When our spirit is strengthened Christ will increasingly make His home in all the parts of our heart.