Friday, April 22, 2005

Bible Lesson

The previous night, I stayed at the meeting hall with a brother. Hallelujah, he said he was happy when he met bothers and sisters. So, we must care for the body.

Today, I went to the meeting hall at 1030 to prepare for the Bible Lesson which started at 1220. Before that, I went to the petrol station to let my car "drink" diesel but I went out empty hand as diesel is out of stock. However later in the evening, it back to normal again.

The Bible Lesson attended by more than 70 students from three schools (St Anthony, Sekolah Bandar and Sekolah Tinggi) including the saints. We sang the hymn "Come into my heart, O Lord Jesus!" Very touching.

1) Come into my heart, O Lord Jesus

Come into my heart, I Pray;

My soul is so troubled and weary

Come into my heart, today.


Into my heart, into my heart,

Come into my heart, Lord Jesus

Come in today, come in to stay,

Come into my heart, Lord Jesus

2) Come into my heart, Lord Jesus

I need Thee through life’s dreary way;

The burden of sin is so heavy,

Come into my heart to stay

3) Come into my heart, O Lord Jesus,

Now cleanse and illumine my soul;

Fill me with Thy wonderful spirit,

Come in and take full control

Some Basic Facts About the Bible

Old Testament New Testament Total
Books 39 27 66
Chapters 929 260 1189
Verses 23145 7958 31103
Language used Hebrew and Aramaic Koine Greek
Time of writing 1500-400 B.C. A.D. 37-96
Pentateuch(Genesis-Deuteronomy) Gospels(Matthew-John)
Classification History(Joshua-Esther) Acts
Poetry(Job-Song of Songs) Epistles(Romans-Jude)
Prophecy(Isaiah-Malachi) Prophecy(Revelation)
2 Timothy 3:16-17

"”All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”
“That the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work.”"

The Scripture is the breathing out of God.

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